8 PTE Academic Myths and Truths: Explained

8 PTE Academic Myths and Truths: Explained

If you are preparing for the PTE Academic exam, you might have come across various myths and misconceptions that can make the process seem daunting. We will debunk common myths surrounding the PTE Academic test and shed light on the truths that will help you better prepare and perform confidently in the exam.


Myth 1: “PTE constantly makes changes in its format.”


Explanation:  This is a common myth among PTE test-takers. However, the truth is that the PTE exam format doesn’t usually undergo frequent changes. Pearson, the organization behind PTE Academic, primarily adds new questions to its database while maintaining the established format. 

Changes are not common and when they happen it’s nothing extraordinary. Test-takers can generally expect a consistent experience with the PTE exam format, allowing them to prepare effectively without worrying about major shifts in the test structure.

The PTE Academic last change happened on November 16th, 2021. Resulting in a slight modification. The exam duration was shortened from 3 to 2 hours, accompanied by a reduction in the total number of questions.

So, instead of worrying about format changes, focus on understanding the content and question types within the existing format.


Truth 1: “The content is the least important aspect of the Speaking section.”


Explanation: Contrary to what some may believe, the content you provide during the Speaking section is not the primary focus of evaluation.

As AI assesses the PTE exam, it places greater emphasis on your fluency rather than the specific content of what you are saying. Therefore, maintaining a natural rhythm and steady pace is crucial. If you misspeak a word, don’t attempt to correct it; instead, keep going.


Myth 2: “Prediction files are the key to getting my score.”


Explanation: Many test-takers believe that using prediction files, which claim to have a collection of questions frequently appearing in PTE exams, is a surefire way to achieve a high score. 

However, this is a myth.

Relying solely on prediction files won’t help you perform well. Instead, concentrate on understanding the scoring system and what the AI evaluation looks for in your responses.


Truth 2: “The position of the microphone affects my score.”


Explanation: As the PTE Academic exam is scored by a computer-based AI system, the microphone’s position is essential.
The microphone picks up your voice, and if it’s placed too close or too far from your mouth, it can affect the sound quality and, consequently, your speaking score. Ensure you have a comfortable and appropriate microphone setup to achieve the best possible score. 

Watch a video about how to position your microphone here.


Myth 3: “Low typing speed can affect my PTE score.”


Explanation: A common misconception is that a slow typing speed will directly impact your PTE score. 

The truth is, your typing speed won’t be assessed independently. However, time management is crucial during the exam, so practice typing efficiently to complete all tasks within the allotted time.


Myth 4: “I need to fake an accent to pass the Speaking.”


Explanation: This common misconception could lead test-takers to attempt to adopt a specific accent during the Speaking section. 

However, faking an accent is unnecessary and may even be counterproductive. The PTE scoring system was designed to assess communication skills regardless of your accent. Focus on speaking clearly and confidently instead of imitating a particular accent.


Myth 5: “Pronunciation is the most important aspect of Speaking.”


Explanation: While pronunciation is essential for effective communication, it is not the most critical aspect of the Speaking section.

Fluency holds more weight in the scoring process. Maintaining a continuous flow of speech without excessive pauses or disruptions is vital for a higher speaking score. 

Check an article with Speaking tips here.


Myth 6: “I can get a high score only using tricks.”


Explanation: Relying solely on tricks and shortcuts is not enough to guarantee a high score in the PTE Academic exam. 

While certain strategies can be beneficial during preparation, they should complement a well-rounded study plan. Focus on building a strong vocabulary, practicing regularly, improving fluency, and honing your writing skills

These elements together contribute to a successful performance.


In conclusion, understanding the truth behind these common PTE Academic myths can make your preparation journey more effective and rewarding. 

Remember that the PTE exam format remains relatively stable, and prediction files won’t replace a deep understanding of the scoring system. Your typing speed won’t directly impact your score, but managing time efficiently is crucial. 

The content is important, but fluency and clarity take precedence in the Speaking section. Avoid faking an accent and focus on delivering clear communication.


For your preparation, consider getting specialized help.


We at PTE Smart offer tailored courses for the PTE Academic exam. Our expert instructors will guide you through the format, scoring system, and essential skills. Boost your chances of success by enrolling in PTE Smart’s courses. Good luck!