
PTE Templates: Practical Examples and Helpful Tips.

people studying with PTE templates

Are you preparing for the PTE Academic exam and wondering if templates could be your secret weapon? Well, you’re in the right place! Let’s explore the magic of PTE templates, why they work, and where to use them.


Why Use Templates?


Templates are an invaluable tool for the PTE Academic. But why, you ask? This exam is assessed by a computer system, and templates help you deliver exactly what the system expects – no more, no less. They’re like your trusty roadmap through the PTE jungle.


The Right Strategy for PTE Success


Preparing for the PTE exam isn’t just about practicing endlessly or cramming loads of study materials. It’s also about following the right strategy, and one such strategy is the use of templates.


Templates for each section of the PTE Academic


Speaking Templates


Using a template in speaking is extremely important as it will assist you in fluency and prevent hesitations during your speech. Additionally, the tasks where we use speaking templates aren’t as critical. It’s easier to learn the template rather than spending a lot of time studying, allowing you to focus on more important exercises.


1. Describe Image:


In this exercise, you’ll describe an image displayed on the screen. 

Your answer must have an introduction, middle, and conclusion. We are providing you with the first two phrases of a template to help you begin practicing. 

*You can access this full template and many others through our preparation courses.


” This image shows an important topic, and it gives information about ____ and ____. 

This image also describes the major aspects of ____ and ____ in many categories as ____ and _____. It can be seen that the most important aspect is _____. “


Smart Tip:
Remember, your job here is to describe the image, not explain it.

Use the preparation time to decide which keywords you’ll use and where they’ll fit in. They should seamlessly blend into the template. Focus on using words you’re comfortable pronouncing to avoid losing points


Listening Templates


Summarize Spoken Text:


In this task, you’ll hear an audio and your mission is to create a summary in one paragraph. Keep in mind that you’re working with a computer and can use pre-existing phrases while identifying keywords from the audio. We’re providing the initial part of a template for this exercise to help you practice and become familiar with it.


“In this lecture, the speaker discussed major information about KEYWORD. According to the speaker, the connection between KEYWORD, KEYWORD and KEYWORD is important. Moreover, it was mentioned that KEYWORD, KEYWORD and KEYWORD are relevant to the topic.


Smart Tip: 

While listening, write down keywords. Focus on identifying the most important words for the topic.


Writing Exercise with Templates


Write an Essay:


In this question, you’ll have to write an essay on a given topic, and you must stay within 200-300 words.
We offer two types of essay templates, one for lower scores, and one for higher scores. 

Today, we’re sharing a complete template for lower-scoring essays. For access to the higher-scoring template and more valuable content, consider enrolling in our preparation courses.

This template consists of 131 words, so you’ll need just 69 words across 8 sentences to finish your essay. 

A vital tip is to use words whose grammar and spelling you’re comfortable with. Once you’ve completed the text, ensure you read it through to catch any potential writing errors.



“Nowadays, there is an ongoing debate between people about TOPIC. While it is possible to assert that both ideas have advantages and drawbacks, my view is that the advantages of my idea outweigh the disadvantages. In this essay, I shall express my opinion by providing examples and explanations before outlining my conclusion.

There are several reasons in favor of my point. The most prominent is YOUR IDEA. One of the reasons is that EXPLAIN YOUR IDEA. It should also be considered that GIVE AN EXAMPLE. Therefore, I can support my idea that ANSWER THE QUESTION. Those who disagree with these ideas have a different view and argue that OPPOSITE IDEA. It is claimed that EXPLAIN THE OPPOSITE IDEA. The most relevant example that could be mentioned here is that EXAMPLE. To conclude, after considering both sides of the case, I believe that the TOPIC is/are important and should be taken seriously.”

Templates are vital for PTE success, offering structured responses aligned with the computer system’s expectations.

To enhance your preparation, our courses offer not only templates but also video lessons, practice materials, study plans, and one-on-one sessions with PTE professionals.  Enroll in our courses for comprehensive support and resources to excel in your PTE Academic journey.