How can I improve my listening skills?

two ladies studying to improve listening skills with pte academic

How can I improve my listening skills?


Let’s say you have been learning English for a while now. Yet, when talking to a native English speaker, you get that (very) uncomfortable feeling that they are speaking Russian – or a totally different language compared to the one you’ve been learning. Can you relate?

I bet many learners can! Here’s the thing: most of the time, newcomers in the English language don’t spend much effort on listening but it is actually vital to learn a new language. In fact, studies have shown that, when communicating, human beings spend 45% of the time listening.

The good news? We are here to help you master your listening skills! Here are some tips that should help:


Study the Natural Pronunciation of Words


“Ok…But what does that mean?” Well, bear with us on this one: when we’re at school, we usually study the pronunciation of words exactly how they are spelled. We propose that you do it differently! Instead, study the pronunciation of words as how they are naturally spoken. In English, words don’t always sound like they are spelled! In fact, most of the time, the sounds in a word mingle together and they can even fade completely! For example:

“How are you doing?” → “Hau u duin?”

Friends – How you doin’ ( Joey )

Movies, TV Shows & Podcasts

There is no better way to improve your listening skills than actually listening to natives speak! And the fun part is: you can listen to the content you wish. If you are a fan of romantic comedy, for example, only by listening to it in english helps improve your english skills heaps and heaps! Try watching tv shows, movies and videos in English as much as you can. 

PRO TIP: If you are having trouble following what is being said, try adding subtitles in English. 

Actively Listen


This may sound obvious, but trust us, it is not! Listening is not about being silent with your mind all puzzled. In fact, it is about paying active attention and being involved in what others are saying. Try to not distract yourself when listening, to remind yourself (and others) that you are caught up by the conversation – even if you are not. It is almost like tricking your brain into believing that you’re having the most interesting conversation ever. 


Like many other skills, listening is also something that you develop over time – just like playing a guitar, it requires practice! A helpful tip is to try to make practicing a natural thing! During your spare time, try to watch the content you usually do – but this time, in English. In addition to that, try to create a consistent, daily listening routine. The more you practice, the better your results will be. 

Well, now we are pretty sure you are ready to begin your listening journey. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and do this! Shall we?! 🙂