How can I improve my reading skills?

two people studying to improve reading skills

How can I improve my reading skills?


Reading is one of the most important skills when it comes to improving your English. This skill is all about being able to understand what is being read – and not only simply reading. Therefore, don’t worry! This article will not tell you to simply read more books 🙂 


  • Read the news!

As the name speaks for itself, the news is all about…the news! There is no better place to keep yourself updated in terms of vocabulary, events and up-to-the-minute infos. Hence, it is a great way to expand and update your vocab to the present-day. 


  • Keep a vocabulary journal!

A vast vocabulary is crucial to master, not only for your reading, but for all English competencies. A Vocab Journal offers you a chance to expand your repertoire of new words and expressions often used by native English speakers. When you keep a journal and write down new words, they are  reinforced in your memory. To help you out, we put together a free printable template that you can fill in every day! 🙂 

