PTE Reorder Paragraph Tips and Techniques

If you’re preparing for the PTE Academic exam, it’s essential to focus on mastering the Reorder Paragraph task, which plays a significant role in enhancing your reading score. 


However, when considering the PTE Reading section, it’s important to note that the two Fill in the Blanks questions hold even greater significance for determining your overall score. 


In this section, we’ll dive into the specifics of the PTE Reorder Paragraph question, providing valuable techniques and tips to help you excel. Let’s explore the structure of the task and effective strategies to tackle it.


PTE Reorder Paragraph Structure


The Reorder Paragraph task evaluates your ability to organize information logically. In this task, you get a mixed-up paragraph, and you need to put the sentences in the right order to make a clear and organized passage.


In theory, it is basically that, but the PTE Academic can be cracked when you understand how each task is evaluated by the computer. In the Reorder Paragraph, you will get points for each pair of sentences you put together, not for their position in the whole paragraph. Keep up with the reading, and you will understand better.


This task impacts only your reading score, and you’ll earn points for each pair of sentences in the right order. 

During the exam, there will be 2 to 3 questions like this, and you need to finish each one within 2 minutes.


Look at the picture that shows an example of a Reorder Paragraph exercise:


Techniques and Tips


1. Focus on Pairs


Since the scoring depends on correctly matching pairs of sentences, it’s crucial to focus on identifying connections between sentences. 

Points are awarded when pairs of sentences are correctly matched, even if they aren’t in their final correct positions. Look for words like “however,” “therefore,” or “because” because they indicate how sentences are linked. 


Sentences typically don’t begin with these words; instead, they work to connect ideas.


2. Identify the Topic Sentence


The topic sentence is like the key to a paragraph. It starts the talk by telling what the paragraph is about. It’s usually a sentence on its own and it doesn’t have any information that has been previously mentioned in another sentence. 


3. Visualize the Funnel Technique


Picture a paragraph’s ideas like a funnel. It begins with a big idea and gets more specific. If you see this funnel shape, you can find sentences that go in order. This way of seeing things helps connect sentences and decide how to put paragraphs in the right order.


For example, check out the image below showing the correct answer to the exercise we presented earlier in the article.


PTE Smart: Your Professional PTE Academic Preparation Partner


To get ready for the PTE Academic test, it’s a good idea to work with a skilled company. PTE Smart is a top choice, providing custom courses, expert help, and effective strategies. Trust PTE Smart to guide you through the test and help you reach your target score. Click here to understand more about our preparation courses.