
PTE Test Day Tips: What should I do on the day of the exam?


PTE Test Day Tips: What should I do on the day of the exam?


You’ve studied for the past few weeks or months, you’ve taken classes, done official and non-official mock tests and followed every superstition you know. It’s finally PTE Test Day. What now?


The day before the PTE Test


It’s important to be well rested for PTE Test Day. That’s why, on the day that precedes the exam you should eat well, drink a lot of water and rest. We know that most people taking the PTE Academic are very busy, but make it a priority to go to bed early the day before the test.


Don’t Stress Yourself


Trust that you’ve done everything in your power to be well prepared for the test. Exam day is not the time for you to be overly critical of yourself, it will just stress you out and make you insecure about the test. Instead, try remembering everything you’ve done in order to be ready.


Do a test day checklist beforehand


It’s always a good idea to separate everything you need to take to the test before the actual test date. You don’t need to take much, but you do need to make sure you have your ID or passport with you and that the information on them matches your test booking information.


Be early at the exam centre


We all know that sometimes it’s impossible to predict if something along the way will make you late. That’s why it’s essential to plan your route to the exam centre beforehand and plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before your test. As they say: it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Use the time before the exam to practice


If you arrive early for the exam, it will give you plenty of time to go over some of the things you’ve already studied. It’s a smart idea to use this time to practice a few Speaking questions before you enter the exam centre. This might make you more confident during the actual test.


Don’t waste your time on small questions


In our preparatory courses, we talk about which questions affect your score more and which ones don’t hold a lot of weight. When you’re taking the test, try and remember which ones are which and don’t worry too much about the questions that won’t greatly improve your score.


Don’t shout when recording your audio


You will probably take your test in a room with other candidates. This is why it’s important not to shout when doing the Speaking part of the exam. Don’t worry, your microphone won’t pick up what the other candidates are saying, but shouting might impair their concentration.


Leave the exam at the exam centre


This isn’t a literal tip, it just means you should relax after you finish the test. We all know PTE test day can be quite stressful, so after you finish the test and leave the centre, try forgetting about it for the night. It’s not in your hands anymore and you’ll get the results soon enough.