Which Overall Score do I need in the PTE Test?

This is one of our most asked questions. And as many things in regards to proficiency exams and scores, the answer is: it depends! Your PTE Overall Score will determine and officialize your level of proficiency in English, and depending on your purpose, you’ll need to have a higher or lower level.

What is the CEFR?

Depending on how much you get in the PTE, you will receive a different CEFR classification. The CEFR is the “Common European Framework of Reference” for people learning a foreign language. It’s used for any non-native language you can learn as a means to standardize scores.

What does my PTE Overall Score mean?

Your score on the PTE, or any other proficiency exam for that matter, can be converted to the CEFR. There are six CEFR levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. A1 is the beginner level and C2 is equivalent to the level of a native speaker. Check out the relation at Pearson’s official website.

PTE and IELTS comparison

Some people will choose to take the PTE over the IELTS if given the option. This happens because in the PTE it’s significantly easier to get the score you need. You should always double check with your immigration agent or boss which correlation they use. Also, check the official website.

Where can I check which overall score I need?

If you’re applying for a residency visa, you should check with the immigration office or with your immigration agent. Target scores can vary depending on the country or your situation. If you’re applying to a university, check with the admissions office. For work purposes, inquire about it with HR.

Check if you have any other score requirements.

Sometimes the only requirement you’ll need is a specific Overall Score. However, there are cases where you will need to get a certain score in one of the bands (Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing), or you will be required to get at least a certain score in all of them. Pay attention to that!

PTE Academic Overall Score: 30 – 42 (A2)

This is usually a very low score, and there are few cases where you’ll only be asked for this. You might use it for applying to Foundation Year courses and even to enter the country as a dependent or partner. This is a relatively easy score to get by studying for the PTE, even if your English isn’t good.

PTE Academic Overall Score: 43 – 58 (B1)

This score can be used for some undergraduate courses as well as for some cases of Permanent Residency, like Spouses in Australia, for example. It is still a relatively easy score to get with some PTE specialized study and guidance.

PTE Academic Overall Score: 59 – 75 (B2)

Most people will be required to get a score within this range. This can be used for academic purposes, both undergraduate and postgraduate. It is also extensively used for professional registration and for Australian skilled migration visas. You should do a prep course when studying for this score.

PTE Academic Overall Score: 76 – 90 (C1 and C2)

You won’t need to get a score this high for most visa purposes. However, if you’re required to get a score within this range for any specific reason, you should give yourself plenty of time to prepare. These aren’t easy PTE Overall Scores to get, but with good preparation, it shouldn’t be a problem!